Reading on iPad before bed disrupts sleep - Kindle is OK, with the exception of Kindle Fire

As well know, the iPad contains a touchscreen liquid crystal display that, like computer screens and television sets, emits light. Exposure to such abnormal light sources inhibits the body's secretion of melatonin.

All light-emitting devices, including cellphones, "tell the brain to stay alert." Because users hold those devices so close to their face, staring directly into the light, the effect is amplified compared with, for example, a TV across the room or a bedside lamp.


Reading on iPad before bed can affect sleep habits. LA Times.

Comments from Twitter:

@UChicagoMed: Is that mostly from the light? The Kindle app and Instapaper both have dark modes that aren't as bright.

Comments from Twitter:

@DrVes: Why are some doctors and nurses giving back their iPads? - Easy: iPad works great for pt education, NOT for data entry. Only 10% of doctors currently use an iPad at work - I use iPad daily to discuss these diagrams:

iPad is a great teaching tool @CraigCCRNCEN was able to explain to Vietnamese family AFib and clots by showing them animation from YouTube.

Brian S. McGowan PhD @BrianSMcGowan: so is the best option for docs still a touch screen laptop? teach w/ touch screen, work w/ full keyboard? #hcsm

@DrVes: iPad works well for discussing DDx, Tx options with pts. Much more portable than laptop. Full-keyboard COWs best for typing.

Jeff Bray @jeffkbray: I have been scanning all my medical reference books and store them on my iPad for quick use and no weight - great tool and mobile

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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Friday, August 28, 2015

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