Non-surgical Baldness Treatments Rated Ineffective by Most Patients

Only 27% of men who used Propecia (finasteride) said it was “very” effective. Finasteride is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor used to treat prostate enlargement symptoms and baldness. Finasteride has 2 trade names: Propecia for baldness and Proscar for BPH.

Over-the-counter minoxidil (Rogaine) is applied directly to the scalp and is the only hair regrowth drug approved for use by women. Just 4% of respondents said it was very effective, with 43% of users saying it was not effective at all.

Only 2% of men surveyed underwent hair transplants; but of these, 49% were either very or completely satisfied with the results of their surgery, the poll shows.

Minoxodil - Costco
Minoxodil at Costco.


Survey: Most Baldness Treatments Don't Work. WebMD.
Widely used baldness drug finasteride (Propecia) boosts hair growth in men, but 1 in 80 may develop ED
Experts Answers on Alopecia and Hair Loss -
Drugs that "shrink prostate" and treat baldness (5-alpha-reductase inhibitors) may have sexual side effects that persist after stopping them, WebMD, 2011.
The Search for a Baldness Cure: Vitamin D to Coax Dormant Follicles to Grow Hair
Image source: Finasteride, Wikipedia, public domain.

Comments from Facebook:

"Ah... so you are supposed to rub it on the scalp... I've been drinking it all these years, no wonder it has had no effect"
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Thursday, July 3, 2014

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